Thursday 10 April 2008


kellna fenkata tal-genn.. kemm kilt!! tajjeb kien l-ikel imma..

Wednesday 12 December 2007

kwazi ilni sena ma nikteb...

Thursday 8 February 2007


AW NIES.. ergajt hawn jien.. illa kemm ilni ma nikteb istra.. bhalissa qed nitkellem ma bernice fuq it-telephone. insomma.. ftit iktar relaxed minn xi gimatejn ilu, u issa m'ghandi aptit naghmel xejn.. kelli problema bil-password tal-blog... u hekk insomma :-)

ghada san alwigi soiree.. u san valentino daqt .. hihih :-)

Sunday 17 December 2006

... .. .

long time no blog... .. .

December 16th.. Great night out!
First I went to mass with ber at Mdina cathedral, then we went to meet the others at mark's house, then to seracino's.. After ordering food, the others went back to Mark's to eat and watch a dvd there, but me and Ber went to M'scala and spent some time alone, as we can't afford any other day to do so with studies and stuff.. igri jasal is-sajf insomma..

8 days to christmas 14 days to NYE.. looking forward to the holidays, but not to the exams.. pls pray for me to study.. I hope everyone's ok.

Take care

Tuesday 12 December 2006

Amazing God..

Yesterday we had the baptism in the spirit! Amazing God.. Everyone was touched!

Saturday me and Bernie had a great night out! we really had fun! went to valletta.. quite a relaxing saturday night.

Today i woke up at 10, and went to university for the 11am lecture. I had till 1, then I met my friends to discuss an assignment, and then I met bernice, and had a good conversation! Then i had another lecture, and went home exhausted.

I'm planning to go to Paola tomorrow to decorate the hall. I don't know what time, Brian still needs to inform me.

Anyway, Keep in prayer.

Friday 8 December 2006

panic is near..

I'm feeling very much better today! we had the healing service at st.julians, there werent' many people coz of the rain i guess, but God did great things anyway!

then i met stefan bonnici, and went to bernie's house just to say hi.. then went to m'scala and had a pizza there.

i realized that i really need to start studying .. panic is near..

Thursday 7 December 2006


nothing to say as such.. ber woke me up *very early* this morning, at about 11am with the buzzing of the doorbell.. i was alone at home, expecting no one.. but suprise surprise! thanks for the visit! ;-)

then i slept, slept.. and slept throughout the day.. sore throat is soo annoying.

pls pray for me.